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(发布日期:2010-11-18 点击数:7)



时间:2011年11月19日 下午14:30 准时开始


职位要求Position Requirement:



3.制造技术工程师 (3-4名)电机、电气或机械自动化专业,本科以上学历,良好的英语听、说、读、写能力。

4.采购工程师 (2名)机械或电机专业,本科以上学历,良好的沟通与协调能力,并具有良好的英语语言能力。



利莱森玛电机科技(福州)有限公司Leroy Somer Electro-technique(Fuzhou) Co. Ltd.

利莱森玛电机科技有限公司是由美国艾默生电气控股(世界五百强)的企业,公司运营由艾默生电气下属的利莱森玛法国公司负责。利莱森玛福州公司位于福建福州,工厂占地面积近10000平方米。 利莱森玛法国公司1919年成立以来一直是电机行业的先行者。公司5大主要业务包括:发电机、分马力驱动、工业电机拖动、变速箱和电子元件等。发电机功率范围从1KVA~25000KVA,配匹的原动机包括柴油机、燃气机、水轮机以及风力驱动。利莱森玛在全球有470多个销售服务机构为客户提供快捷优质服务。


选择利莱森玛产品,您将会得到利莱森玛世界范围的备件和服务支持。 选择成为利莱森玛职员,您将会获得艾默生及利莱森玛世界范围的资源与发展。

Leroy Somer Electro-Technique(Fuzhou)Co., Ltd. is established by Emerson China Holding Company, with production facilities and sales office in Fuzhou China, covering an area of about 10000 square meters. Leroy Somer (Fuzhou) is managed by Leroy Somer France.

Leroy Somer Electro-Technique(Fuzhou)Co., Ltd. (www.leroysomer.com) has always been in the vanguard of the constant development of the industry since its establishment in 1919, which comprises five large business divisions: Alternator division, Fractional Drives Division, Industrial Motor Division, Gears Division and Electronics Division. 470 sales and service outlets testify to LEROY-SOMER’s strong commercial presence in all international markets.

Leroy Somer Electro-Technique(Fuzhou)Co., Ltd. has 3 divisions: Generator division、Motor division and Gearmotor division, it produces alternators in accordance with the standards in design and manufacturing technologies from Moteurs Leroy Somer and Leroy Somer North America, all data updated synchronously. Experts and consultants from abroad instructed and qualified all the technologies transferring; manufacturing technology design, selection of raw materials and quality control, the company has been awarded with ISO9001-Certificate by DNV organization.

You can have LEROY-SOMER worldwide components support and service, by choosing LEROY-SOMER products. You can have LEROY-SOMER worldwide resource and developing space, by joining LEROY-SOMER.