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  • 廖娟

    性 别 :女


    系 别:材料成型及控制工程系

    学 位:博士

    职 称:教授

  • 详细资料


    通讯地址:福建省福州市福州地区大学新区学园路2号邮编: 350116










    International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture;

    International Journal of Mechanical Sciences;

    Materials & Design;

    Journal of Alloys and Compounds;

    International Journal of Solids and Structures;

    Mechanics of Materials;

    International Journal of Material Forming;

    Steel Research International;

    Rare Metals

    Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A (Applied Physics & Engineering);










    4、欧盟发展委员会(ERDF)与葡萄牙科学技术基金委(FCT)联合资助基金项目,PTDC/EMS-TEC/0777/2012,先进高强度钢板复杂产品成形过程中扭转回弹的建模与控制(Modeling and Control of Twist Springback for Complex Advanced High Strength Steel Products),2013/05-2015/10,主持


    1、欧盟发展委员会(ERDF)与葡萄牙科学技术基金委(FCT)联合资助基金项目,PTDC/EMS-TEC/2404/2012,先进高强度钢板在复杂应变路径下的材料力学性能及其微观机理研究(Mechanical and microstructural behaviour of advanced high strength steels sheets under monotonic and complex deformation paths), 2013/06-2015/09

    2、葡萄牙科学技术基金委(FCT)国家项目,PTDC/EME-PME/116683/2010,孪生诱导塑性(TWIP)钢的应变速率敏感性控制与成形性能增强机理研究(Enhancing the Formability of Twinning-Induced Plasticity Steels by Controlling Their Strain Rate Sensitivity),2012/01-2013/05

    3、葡萄牙科学技术基金委(FCT)国家项目,PTDC/EME-TME/109119/2008,一种基于杯突实验的材料各向异性的预测方法及其在制耳控制上的应用(A novel approach to predict anisotropic material properties from circular cup drawing and its application to earing control), 2012/01-2013.12

    4、葡萄牙阿威罗大学企业合作项目,6xxx系列铝合金多孔热挤压模具设计及工艺优化(Design and optimization for multi porthole hot extrusion of 6xxx aluminium alloys),2013/09-2015/06

    5、葡萄牙阿威罗大学企业合作项目,新型雷诺电动轿车铝合金管弯曲成形工艺优化(Optimizing the tube bending process for vehicle frame made of aluminium alloy),2012/09-2014/06



    1、S. Chen,J. Liao*, H. Xiang, X. Xue, A. B. Pereira, Pre-strain Effect on Twist Springback of a 3D P-channel in Deep Drawing,Journal of Materials Processing Technology, In press, 2019,doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2019.05.005

    2、X. Xue, A. Pereira, G. Vincze, X. Wu,J. Liao, Interfacial Characteristics of Dissimilar Ti6Al4V/AA6060 Lap Joint by Pulsed Nd: YAG Laser Welding,Metals, 2019, 9, 71; doi: 10.3390/met9010071

    3、X. Xue, G. Vincze, A. B. Pereira, J. Pan,J. Liao*, Assessment of metal flow balance in multi-output porthole hot extrusion of AA6060 thin-walled profile,Metals, 2018, 8, 462, doi: 10.3390/met8060462

    4. X. Xue,J. Liao*,G. Vincze,A. B. Pereira, Control strategy of twist springback for aluminium alloy hybrid thin-walled tube after mandrel-rotary draw bending,International Journal of Material Forming, 2018, 11: 311-323.

    5、J. Liao, X. Xue*, M-G Lee, F. Barlat, G. Vincze, A.B. Pereira. Constitutive modeling for path-dependent behavior and its influence on twist springback.International Journal of Plasticity, 2017,v93, 64-88.

    6、J. Liao*, J. A. Sousa, A. B. Lopes, X. Xue, F. Barlat, A.B. Pereira, Mechanical, microstructural behaviour and modelling of dual phase steels under complex deformation paths,International Journal of Plasticity, 2017, v93, 269-290.

    7、X. Xue, A. B. Pereira, J. Amorim,J. Liao*, Effects of Pulsed Nd: YAG Laser Welding Parameters on Penetration and Microstructure Characterization of a DP1000 Steel Butt Joint,Metals, 2017, 7, 292, doi: 10.3390/met7080292.

    8、X. Xue,J. Liao*, G. Vincze, F. Barlat, Twist springback characteristics of dual-phase steel sheet after asymmetric deep drawing.International Journal of Material Forming, 2017, v10(2): p267-278.

    9、X. Xue,J. Liao*, G. Vincze, J. A. Sousa, F. Barlat, J. Gracio. Modelling and sensitivity analysis of twist springback in deep drawing of dual phase steel.Materials & Design, 2016, v90, p204-217.

    10、X. Xue,J. Liao*, G. Vincze, A. B. Pereira, F. Barlat, Experimental assessment of nonlinear elastic behaviour of dual-phase steels and application to springback prediction.International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. v117, October 2016, pp1-15.

    11、X. Xue,J. Liao*, G. Vincze, J. J. Gracio, Modelling of mandrel rotary draw bending for accurate twist springback prediction of an asymmetric thin-walled tube,Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2015, v216, 405-417.

    12、W. Wen, M. Borodachenkova, F. Barlat,J. Liao, J. Grácio, Modeling of the mechanical response during reversal shear loading: application to steels.Steel Research International, 2015, v87(7), p850-858.

    13、J. Liao*, X. Xue, M-G Lee, F. Barlat, J. Gracio, On twist springback prediction of asymmetric tube in rotary draw bending with different constitutive models,International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2014, v89, 311-322.

    14、J. Liao*, X. Xue, C. Zhou, J. J. Gracio, F. Barlat. A semi-analytic model to predict and compensate springback in the 3D stretch bending process.Steel Research International, 85(4), 2014, 697-709.

    15、J. Liao, X. Xue, C. Zhou*, J. J. Gracio, F. Barlat. A springback compensation strategy and applications to bending cases.Steel Research International, 2013, v84(5): p.463-472.

    16、廖娟,周驰,阮锋*,高强度钢板在双向等曲率模中的成形回弹研究,中南大学学报自然科学版, 2011, v6 (42): 1629-1635.

    17、J. Liao*, C. Zhou, F. Ruan. Springback Reduction of a Blade Part Using Measuring Based Compensation Methodology.Steel Research International, 2010, v81(9): p749-752.



    2、J. Liao, X. Xue, G. Vincze, M-G Lee, F. Barlat, A.B. Pereira, Path dependent modeling for accurate twist springback in complex channel forming process, International Symposium of Plasticity and Its Current Applications 2016 (PLASTICITY'16). 2016. Jan.3-9th, Big Irland, Hawaii, US.

    3、J. Liao, X. Xue,F. Barlat,M.G. Lee,G. Vincze,A.B. Pereira,Twist springback analysis in curved channel forming based on a distortional hardening model,International Conference and Workshop on Mechanical Engineering Research (RTME2016), July 11-13th, 2016, Aveiro, Portugal.

    4、J. Liao, X. Xin, Experimental investigation of deep drawing of C-rail benchmark using various lubricants., MATEC Web of Conferences, v21, 2015, 04011, The 4th International Conference on New Forming Technology (ICNFT2015), 2015, Aug. 6-9th. Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

    5、J. Liao, X. Xue, J. A. Sousa, A. B. Lopes, Frederic Barlat, Constitutive description of dual phase steel under non-proportional loading using distortional hardening approach. Proceeding of the 8th Forming Technology Forum (FTF2015), p143-147. June 29-30th, 2015. Zurich, Switzerland.

    6、J. Liao, J. Sousa, X. Xue, A. B. Lopes, F. Barlat and J. J. Gracio, 2015. Hardening behavior and modeling of dual phase steels under strain path changes. International Symposium of Plasticity and Its Current Applications 2015 (PLASTICITY' 15). January 4-9th, 2015 Montego Bay, Jamaica.

    7、J. Liao,Modeling and control of twist springback in metal forming processes. Workshop on Constitutive Modeling and Material Forming. Centre for Mechanical Technology and Automation, University of Aveiro, 13th, July, 2015. (主题报告)

    8、J. Liao, J. Sousa, X. Xue, Hardening response of dual-phase steels under non-proportional strain path, Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Computing Techniques and Mechanical Engineering, p49-52. Oct. 1-2, 2015, Phuket, Thailand.

    9、J. Liao,X. Xue,F. Barlat,J. Gracio,Modelling and springback analysis for multi-stage rotary draw bending of thin-walled tube using homogeneous anisotropic hardening model, Procedia Engineering, v81, 2014, p1228-1233. The 11th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP2014),Nagoya, Japan, 19-24th, Oct. 2014.

    10、J. Liao, Dual phase steel and its application in automotive industry. Workshop 'Out of the Box Seminar', organized by SSAB Swedish Steel Ltd. June 13, 2012, Vigo, Spain. (主题报告)

    11、J. Liao, C. Zhou, X. Xue. An approach for springback compensation of double curved part using optical measurement technology. International Symposium on Plasticity and Its Current Applications (PLASTICITY' 12) : P55-57, Jan, 3-8th 2012. San Juan, PR, USA.

    12、J. Liao, C. Zhou, F. Ruan. Springback Reduction of a Blade Part Using Measuring Based Compensation Methodology. Steel Research International, 2010, 81-9: p749-752. The 13th International Conference on Metal Forming (Metal Forming 2010)), Toyohashi, Japan, 19-22th, Sep., 2010.

    13、J. Liao, C. Zhou, F. Ruan. A new springback compensation method for sheet metal bending based on curvature correction. Advanced Materials Research. 2010, v97-101: p130-134.


    1、实用新型专利,一种冷冲件冲压过程动摩擦系数的测量装置, 2012.02.(授权,第一发明人)






    7、发明专利,单点渐进成形局部加热工作台及其工作方法,2019.1.8 .(实审,第一发明人)

    8、实用新型专利,单点渐进成形局部加热工作台,2019.1.8 .(实审,第一发明人)

    9、发明专利,一种单点渐进成形热空气加热工作台及其使用方法,2019.6. 13. (申请,第一发明人)

    10、实用新型专利,一种单点渐进成形热空气加热工作台,2019.6. 13. (申请,第一发明人)

    11、实用新型专利,单点渐进成形用振动工具头,2019.4 .18.(申请,第一发明人)