通讯地址:福建省福州市福州地区大学新区学园路2号 邮编:350108
2019/08至今, 福州大学 机械工程及自动化学院 副教授
2014/09-2019/07,清华大学物理系 博士
2010/09-2014/06,武汉大学 物理科学与技术学院 学士
1. Yu Liu, Jianhua Huang,et.al. Focusing through turbid liquid based on the recognition and modulation of ballistic light,APL Photonics 2025 under review.(1区top)
2. Yu Liu, Ju Cheng,et.al.Multispectral detection of camouflaged targets in foggy and complex scenes, Pattern Recognition 2025 under review. (1区top)
1. Huang Feng, Chaozhen Ke, Xianyu Wu, Yu Liu*. Dual-polarization defogging method based on blind separation model of frequency division and visual perception,Optics Express 2024, 32: 7594-7610.(2区top)
2. Huang Feng, Chaozhen Ke, XianyuWu, Cuixia Guo, Yu Liu*. Multispectral image defogging based on wavelength-dependent extinction coefficient model in fog,JOSA A2024 41(1): 631-642.
3. Yu Liu, Zhicheng Lin,et.al. Enhancement of the photothermoelectric effect through synergistic modulation of multiple parameters,Materials &Design 2024 244(19):113151.(2区top)
4. Huang Feng, Fei Peng, Huifang Lin, Pengfei Wang, Yu Liu*. Remarkable correlation between input channels of single-channel optimization,JOSA A,2024. 41(12):2340-2349.
1. 刘宇,林志诚,王鹏飞,黄峰*,孙家林. 超宽带光电探测器研究进展.红外与毫米波学报,2023, 42:169-187.
2. 刘宇,黄建华,赵传江,郭翠霞,黄峰*.透过散射介质聚焦时背景噪声抑制的实验研究.光子学报,2023,52:0129001(EI检索)
3. Yu Liu, Jianhua Huang, Huang Feng*. A Comprehensive Review on Study Methods of Aerosol Optical Properties in Different Dimensions. IEEE Access 2023, 11: 36763.
1. Yu Liu, Xiao Yang, Hongjian Zhang, Cuixia Guo, Feng Huang*. Quantitative scattering models of broad-band narrow-beam light through fog.Optics Express 2022, 30: 35125-35135. (2区top)
2. Yu Liu, Qianqian Hu, Feng Huang, Jia-Lin Sunet al. High-performance Ultrabroadband Photodetector Based on Photothermoelectric Effect.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2022, 14: 29077-29086.(2区top)
3. Bocheng Lv, Yu Liu, Yang Cao,et al.Local large temperature difference and ultra-wideband photothermoelectric response of the silver nanostructure film/carbon nanotube film heterostructure.Nature Communications 2022, 13: 1835. (国际顶刊, IF: 14.914)
4. Yu Liu, Zhicheng Lin, Pengfei Wang, Feng Huang, Jia-Lin Sun*. Measurement of the Photothermal Conversion Efficiency of CNT Films Utilizing a Raman Spectrum.Nanomaterials 2022, 12: 1101.
1. Yu Liu, Qianqian Hu, Pengfei Wang,et al. Electrically driven transport of photoinduced hot carriers in carbon nanotube fibers.Optics Letters 2021, 46: 5228-5231. (2区top)
2. Ying Shen, Chuanjiang Zhao, Yu Liu*, Shu Wang, Feng Huang. Underwater Optical Imaging: Key Technologies and Applications Review.IEEE Access 2021, 9, 85500-85514.
1. Yu Liu, Qianqian Hu, Jun Yin, Pengfei Wang,et al. Bolometric terahertz detection based on suspended carbon nanotube fibers.Applied Physics Express 2019, 12, 096505.
2. Yu Liu, Jun Yin,Pengfei Wang et al. High-Performance, Ultra-broadband, Ultraviolet to Terahertz Photodetectors based on Suspended Carbon Nanotube Films.ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2018, 10: 36304-36311.(1区top)
3. Yu Liu, Jun Yin, Pengfei Wanget al. Broadband photoresponse based on a synergistic effect of surface ions and plasmon polaritons.J. Mater. Chem. C. 2018, 6: 1199-1205. (1区top)
1. 刘宇,曹阳,黄峰. 碳纳米管超宽带光电探测器及其制备方法,ZL202110505645.0,已授权.
2. 黄峰,彭霏,刘宇. 一种利用强散射介质进行激光抗振动聚焦的装置及使用方法,ZL202310193030.8已授权.
3. 黄峰,柯超珍,刘宇. 一种雾天中多光谱信息恢复的方法,实质审查.
4. 黄峰,肖常林,刘宇. 一种适用于极端雨雾条件下的低复杂度单帧图像重构方法,实质审查
5. 刘宇,晏梦威,黄峰. 一种基于相位调控的扫描式单光子激光雷达系统,实质审查
6. 刘宇,程炬,黄峰. 一种基于近红外与可见光的差分去雾方法,实质审查
7. 王向峰,周家巍,黄峰,刘宇. 一种基于涡旋结构光场透过大尺度散射介质聚焦调控方法及装置,实质审查
8. 刘宇,王鹏宇,黄峰. 一种基于成像模型和激光测距的高鲁棒性图像配准方法, 实质审查